Processing of Personal Data

We would like to inform you about the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“PPL”), which was enacted to protect fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, particularly the privacy of private life, and to determine the obligations of real and legal persons who process personal data.

Within the scope of the law, personal data is defined as “any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person”; processing is defined as “any operation performed on data such as acquisition, recording, storage, preservation, alteration, reorganization, disclosure, transmission, acquisition, making available, classification or blocking its use, completely or partially automatic or provided to be part of any data recording system, in non-automatic ways”.

  1. Purpose of the Information Text and Data Controller Position of BIS ÇÖZÜM BİLGİSAYAR VE ENTEGRASYON HİZMETLERİ VE TİC. A.Ş. (briefly “BIS”):

BIS presents the following statements to fulfill the obligation to inform under article 10 of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“PPL”) regarding the personal data of its members and 3rd parties who use our website and/or mobile applications. BIS reserves the right to always update this Explanation text about the Protection of Personal Data, within the framework of changes that may be made in the current legislation.

  1. Purpose of Processing and Transferring Personal Data Belonging to Records:

Your personal data are used for the following purposes:

  • To confirm the identity of the member who registers through the website/mobile applications,
  • To record the address and other necessary information for communication,
  • To transmit your information to our solution partners associated with the module you use,
  • To communicate with our members, to make necessary notifications, to inform about campaigns,
  • To arrange all records and documents that will form the basis for processing in electronic (internet/mobile etc.) or paper environment,
  • To provide information to public officials upon request and as required by legislation on matters related to public security,
  • To be able to offer suggestions to our members by our contracted institutions and solution partners, to be able to inform our members about our services,
  • To be able to fulfill our legal obligations and to use our rights arising from the current legislation,

To prevent fraud and other illegal activities. During the transfer of data to third parties, necessary technical and legal measures are taken to prevent rights violations.

Your personal data can be shared with our direct/indirect domestic/foreign business partners, institutions we cooperate with to carry out our activities, domestic/foreign individuals and institutions from which we receive cloud storage services, domestic/foreign organizations we have agreements with for IT and software regulations, various agencies, advertising companies and survey companies both domestically and abroad within the scope of various announcement and organization activities in line with our purposes, to provide better service to you and to ensure the satisfaction of our members, and with other third parties and relevant business partners, both domestically and abroad.

The data provided by our customers who transact through the website or mobile applications are processed by BIS in accordance with their consent and legal provisions.

Our company’s website is a site using cookies. A cookie is a file, mostly consisting of letters and numbers, that allows the device to be detected by being stored on the internet browser or hard disk of the device being used.

During the transfer of data to third parties, necessary technical and legal measures are taken to prevent rights violations. However, we are not responsible for violations that occur in the risk area under the responsibility of the third party receiving personal data due to their data protection policies.

  1. Method of Collecting Personal Data and Legal Reason:

Personal data shared by our members who transact through the website or our mobile applications can be processed and transferred for the purposes stated in this Disclosure and Consent Text in accordance with their consent and legal provisions.

  1. Rights of Customers as Personal Data Owners:

Under Article 11 of the Law, data owners have the right to;

a. Learn if personal data about them are processed,

b. Request information if personal data has been processed,

c. Learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,

d. Know the third parties in the country or abroad to whom personal data have been transferred,

e. Request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing and request notification of the operation made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data have been transferred,

f. Despite being processed in accordance with the Law and other related legal provisions, request the deletion or destruction of personal data in case the reasons requiring their processing are eliminated, and request notification of the operation made within this scope to third parties to whom personal data have been transferred,

g. Object to the emergence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,

h. They have the right to claim damages in case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data.

Requests for the use of these rights can be sent to email address by personal data owners to be evaluated within the framework of the Policy regarding the Processing and Protection of Personal Data under the Law No. 6698 developed by BIS.

BIS will evaluate and finalize these requests within 30 days. You can reach us at any time through the email address (with your Name Surname, your email address) for any questions and opinions about your personal data.